BENTHIS animations now available in English, French, Spanish and Dutch
In 2017 a set of five animations has been developed in the BENTHIS project.
The first four animations explain elements of the BENTHIS assessment methodology. Animation 5 explains how to assess the impact of bottom trawling, based on the ideas explained in the previous 4 animations. They have been made in English, Dutch, French and Spanish, in order to reach a broad audience across Europe and beyond.
The animations cover the following subjects:
1. Fishing footprint (UK / ES / F / NL)
2. Benthic biological traits (UK / ES / F / NL)
3. Sensitivity of seafloor habitats (UK / ES / F / NL)
4. Reducing trawling impacts (UK / ES / F / NL)
5. Assessment of the impact of bottom trawling (UK / ES / F / NL)
Playlist of all 5 animations: