From active to passive gears
The use of passive gears, such as pots and traps, instead of active gears is one of the options to reduce the impact of fishing on the seafloor and the benthic ecosystem. In the BENTHIS project, experiments with pots and traps have been conducted in the Kattegat and the Mediterranean.
The Kattegat experiments showed that using creels to catch Norway lobsters are a viable and ecological sustainable alternative to trawl fishery for certain vessels in certain areas to reduce benthic impacts. The creels are highly selective and have a low by-catch.
In the Mediterranean the viability of the pot/trap experiments was questionable and might only be viable in an artisanal fishery. The viability will also depend on the history of the fishing ground.
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Read the full report:
Deliverable 7.7: Report on options for mitigation fishing impacts in regional seas