
Save the date: Wageningen Impact Catalyst Expo

The Wageningen Impact Catalyst Expo on Wednesday 28 August is organised for all impact makers and responsible changemakers. This expo, organised by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and supported by University Fund Wageningen, showcases the impact of entrepreneurship of WUR and its partners.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Wed 28 August 2024 13:00 to 18:00

Duration including closing drinks & bites.
Venue Innovation & Incubation Center Wageningen, Bronland 10, 6708 WH Wageningen.

During this event, it is possible to discover the innovative solutions developed by entrepreneurs and experience their impact firsthand. Besides this, visitors can learn about the support and tools that WUR, University Fund Wageningen, and partners provide to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. The goal of the event is to unite anyone interested in making impact in a collective and collaborative mission.


The programme begins at 1:00 PM with a welcome and opening, followed by parallel sessions where entrepreneurs will share their stories and experiences, and the announcement of the pre-incubation program. Ample opportunities for networking and exchanging experiences and knowledge will be available, with expert hubs open for interaction and support.

Any (aspiring) impact maker is welcome to this inspiring event to shape the future of entrepreneurship and innovation within and beyond WUR together.

Please reserve August 28th in your calendar. Further information and a formal invitation will follow.
