WP5 Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination of the results
Leader: Wageningen Research (WR), The Netherlands.
Contributing Partners: 1) International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-IAMB), International; 2) Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (EV-ILVO), Belgium; 3) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR), Egypt; and 4) Ministry of Agriculture (AM), Hungary.
WP5 will create visibility for FOSC and its activities, facilitate a productive knowledge exchange, and support the funded research projects in an effective dissemination of their research results, to, ultimately, impact in a positive way the global food chain. More specifically:
- WP5 will organize the funded projects’ research programme meetings at the start, mid-term and end of the co-funded projects;
- WP5 will develop information tools for the dissemination of the results of the funded projects, including a newsletter, project fact sheets, leaflets, posters and press releases; and
- A dedicated website for information about activities and the funded projects will be launched and maintained, and content will be prepared for the FOSC website.
Work Package 5 will produce six deliverables during the full course of the ERA-Net:
D5.1; Communication and dissemination strategy; download D5.1
D5.2; Report on communication and dissemination activities
D5.3; Fact sheets of the projects
D5.4; Report on the funded projects’ Kick-off workshop
D5.5; Report on the funded projects’ Mid-term workshop
D5.6; Report of the funded projects’ Final workshop
There are 22 milestones defined in FOSC. Work Package 5 will deliver the following two milestones:
Milestone16; Website launched; launch news item
Milestone17; First newsletter
The overview of the WP5 structure, objectives, deliverables, output, tasks and milestones is given in the figure below.
Click the image to open a full-sized overview.