
Draft Agenda for Workshop Quality Assurance of Inorganic Carbon Measurements

Published on
February 6, 2025

A draft agenda is available for the WEPAL-QUASIMEME workshop: Quality Assurance of Inorganic Carbon Measurements in relation to Ocean Acidification and Marine CO2 Removal Technologies.

Please note that also a poster exhibition room will be available, there will be time to discuss poster content during the breaks.


Poster Sessions

These sessions will be planned once we know the number of participants who wish to submit a poster session. For specific questions on analytical issues please send them to the WEPAL-QUASIMEME Office prior to the workshop, together with your registration, so that we can include those in the discussion sessions at the Workshop.

In addition to the aforementioned presentations there will be ample time for discussions and exchange of information between delegates. For further questions on the programme, contact the WEPAL-QUASIMEME Office (


It is still possible to register for the workshop. Participants should register for this in-person workshop before 10th March 2025. Your registration is only complete after payment of the registration fee is received in full. The registration fee includes attendance of the workshop, report of the workshop, coffees, teas, lunches and dinners on two nights.

Registration Fees

  • Standard (between 08 Feb–10 Mar 2025) £516.00