Working in networks
Green Circles unites parties in the region by turning good ideas into real projects. We achieve better, faster results by approaching tasks together.

“We each play our cards based upon common goals. Who plays which card is not based upon positions, but upon who has the most beautiful card.”

“The transition towards a new economy requires a transition in the way in which we work together.”

“Green Circles is an example of ‘a golden triangle’ in which we work together in equal terms with government and business, without losing sight of social requirements or criteria.”

“My dream: making the largest brewery in Europe climate-neutral.”

“Green Circles is a pioneering example in which a business uses sustainability to improve its own production process. That this can actually be implemented ensures broad support for the plan.”

“Green Circles must become a worldwide example of cooperation with our partners.”

"What we learn in the collaboration with HEINEKEN we can apply when working together with other businesses in the area."

“Instead of working with the usual parties, I find it interesting to see what HEINEKEN can signify.”

“By combining initiatives, we join areas together to make one regional bee habitat.”

“Transition to sustainability has to be facilitated. We can help each other to achieve this.”

“When you work on something together, the effect is larger than when you work alone.”

“We are working on a bee-friendly modernisation of our public-private space.”

“Due to the cooperative, many opportunities arise to do things better.”

“In Green Circles many parties who can actually make decisions meet. In this way you can quickly make concrete steps.”