
The availability of sufficient clean drinking water in the future is a shared interest of Groene Cirkels. The drinking water supply in the Randstad conurbation is dependent on river water. Climate change is increasingly altering the supply of river water. Larger amounts of water will enter the country over short periods, while at other times ongoing droughts can lead to water shortages. The impact this will have on the amount and quality of the drinking water supply makes the availability of larger strategic water reserves more important.
Efficient water flows
HEINEKEN's production process depends on the supply of drinking water because it is used to produce brewing water. Groene Cirkels will work with water chain partners to utilise water flows more efficiently.
Natural water purification
This method gives regional water more significance and helps to combat subsidence and salinisation. A green-blue infrastructure providing water purification also increases the biodiversity and recreational value of the landscape.
Reuse of waste water
The HEINEKEN brewery in Zoeterwoude will reuse the minerals from its waste water, for instance by using sewage sludge to produce fertilisers for use in sustainable arable farming, or by purifying the water using algae. The algae supply biomass with nutritional value, which can then be used as livestock feed, for example.