Reference materials
Samples of previous proficiency tests are sold as reference materials. The samples from the Proficiency test schemes can be used for method development or as reference samples for internal quality control. The reference materials are delivered with a certificate of analysis or summary statistics. These documents are based on results from the WEPAL-QUASIMEME PT schemes. The certificates provide information about:
- the consensus value: the mean value of the dataset obtained from the PT, calculated with robust statistics
- the standard deviation and coefficient of variation
- number of results used to calculate the consensus value
- median and MAD (Median of Absolute Deviation)
- relative uncertainty and uncertainty of the consensus value
Overview of the available reference materials and how to order in the WEPAL-QUASIMEME webshop.
Fees depend on your choice. Participants of the WEPAL-QUASIMEME programmes are entitled to a discount.